Lightning storm

Lightning Safety

lightning protection

lightning storm Thunder and Lightning
Every day, hundreds of storms send bolts of lightning shooting across the sky and to the ground with loud claps of thunder. Most of the time, this static electricity on steroids doesn't cause problems and no protection is required, but occasionally it will hit just the right spot at just the right time to cause a power outage or injuries. Luckily, lightning storms are easy to prepare for and usually fast to recover from, not like a flood or earthquake, but still lightning kills more people annually than any other weather activity. Increased education and safety precautions are helping drop the average killed per year in the U.S. but it is still between 65 and 80 people annually.

Most frequent in spring and rare in winter, thunderstorms are possible at any time of the year and they generate over 25 million lightning strikes each year. Besides risks from lightning strikes, there may also be high winds, hail, and heavy rain that can damage property and cause injury. Severe thunderstorms also mean a possibility of tornado activity. A Storm Watch indicates conditions are ideal for the formation of a lightning storm while a Storm Warning means a storm has in fact been sighted and actions should be taken to ensure lightning safety.

lightning strike Seek Shelter
Very rarely, a lightning bolt may travel many miles from an obvious storm cloud to strike an object on the ground. The closer the storm approaches, the higher the risk of lightning strikes. A general rule of thumb is to be in a sheltered location before there is less than 30 seconds between lightning flash and the sound of thunder. And, stay in shelter for at least 30 minutes after the last lightning strike in your area.
Sound travels about 1 mile in 5 seconds. Count the seconds from when you see a flash and then divide by 5 to get an estimate of the distance or use this calculator to determine how far away lightning really is:

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lightning facts Lightning Safety Practices
Common sense isn't as common as it used to be. Many people have lost respect for nature and the risks of living. By following a few guidelines for lightning protection, your chances of staying out of trouble go way up:

If you are outdoors when a storm approaches, the best thing to do is get indoors. And not just indoors anyplace - a carport, picnic shelter, tent, or baseball dugout are all bad places. The shelter needst to be fully enclosed like a home or school. The electric wiring and metal plumbing gives lightning an easy path to ground instead of through you!

If you have no safe buildings available, seek shelter in a vehicle. A hard-top car rather than a convertible. Roll up all the windows, close the doors, and do not touch anything metal. Do not use the radio or any other electronic devices until the storm is well past.

lightning Stuck Outside
There are no safe places outside in a lightning storm. But, there are quite a few things you can do to minimize your risk if you absolutely can not get to safety in time:

thunder and lightning If Lightning Strikes
Lightning does strike the ground hundreds of times every day. If it strikes you, your family, or home, what should you do?

lightning safety
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