Tsunami Wave

Tsunami Disaster Information


Tsunami Facts
tsunami wave If you live in Nebraska, you don't need to worry much about tsunami disaster preparedness. But, coastal shores attract many people and high populations along the Atlantic and Pacific rims mean that tsunami danger puts many people at risk. This type of natural disaster is one of the most interesting and least understood:

Tsunami Warnings
tsunami disaster Since a tsunami can occur at any time, scientists are developing warning systems. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center have the responsibility of monitoring for and warning about tsunami danger in the Pacific Ocean. The possible bulletins that may be issued are:

An unfortunate thing about the current detection and warning system is that it causes many false positive bulletins. Evacuations in Hawaii for waves that never materialized have been very expensive and false warnings tend to make people ignore future warnings. California and other coastal states in America may have higher casualties when a tsunami does strike due to a lack of understanding and acceptance of the danger.

When you are in coastal areas, check at the hotel or city offices for tsunami relief information including evacuation routes and what warnings to listen for. If you feel an earthquake, it may trigger a tsunami. If you notice any abnormal rise or fall of the water along the beach, it may mean the approach of a tsunami. If you hear a abnormal roaring noise from the ocean direction, it could be a tsunami. Police sirens or other warning sirens may be warning of a tsunami.

Before a Tsunami
tsunami information Preparedness for all potential disasters is important. Tsunamis are relatively rare, but preparation for them is simple. Evacuation is the only option - you don't seek shelter in the basement, build a sandbag barricade, or ride it out, you evacuate. Some preparation hints to help you be a tsunami survivor include:

During a Tsunami
tsunami victim If you feel a strong earthquake on the coast, first of all protect yourself from the dangers of the earthquake then immediately evacuate your family. A tsunami disaster may occur in just a few minutes.

If there is a Tsunami Watch:

If there is a Tsunami Warning:

Effects of a tsunami on coastal structures:
tsunami effects

After a Tsunami
tsunami relief After the initial destruction and efforts to rescue tsunami survivors, much of the challenges and clean-up are similar to floods. Contamination of drinking water, food, and living areas are a big problem. Depending on the location, insects, heat, and other natural hazards can raise the risk of injury and death. The fact is, most tsunami victims are from drowning but trauma injuries from people being tossed around by the violent waters also are common and contribute to death tolls.

Effects of a tsunami on farmland near the coast:
tsunami survivor

Tsunami disaster links of interest:
Tsunami Survival Stories
USGS Life of a Tsunami
West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

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